The World of Wangan Midnight

Transferring data from test version cards

The tuning card data on test version cards issued at the location test for Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3DX or at the 2008 Amusement Machine Show can be transferred to tuning cards for Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3DX.
How to transfer data
  1. In the "Do you have a card?" screen, insert the test version tuning card.
  2. If the data in your card can be transferred, the "Card data transfer" screen will appear.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to transfer card data.

All data will be transferred intact except the following

  • Title -> You will start from "Wangan Beginner"
    (unless you have the title of Location Test Emperor)
  • Time Attack Record -> Returns to default state
  • Racing style -> Returns to default state
  • Unbeated/Beaten in Story Mode -> All treated as "Unbeaten"